Year 1 Day 74 Getting Into The Groove

The dust is starting to settle down after our 4 day journey from Sacramento to Tucson. Now that we are here, we can breathe easy and spend the next two weeks relaxing. Sounds great, doesn’t it? Unfortunately, that laid back and easy dream is still a few more days away. We have a busy Monday and Tuesday ahead of us with doctor visits scheduled, annual blood work scheduled, shopping for the upcoming Thanksgiving feast, running around to getting miscellaneous errands done and spending as much time as we can with Christina and her family. Then comes Wednesday and with that day we celebrate our son-in-law’s birthday, and start cooking and prepping for Thanksgiving, then comes Thursday with lots more cooking and then…eating, eating and eating, mixed with family, family and family, all topped off with football, football and more football. Man, it just doesn’t get better than that, does it?

Thanksgiving, along with Christmas is all about family for us. It is a time we get together and catch up on what has gone on in our lives and share the bounty of the year with each other. It is a time to be thankful for our family and friends and pinch ourselves for being so lucky having such a wealth of love.

To start this 6 weeks of lovefest, we ran over to Christina and Michael’s house to spend the afternoon and evening. The three grandkids, Isaac (5), Stella (3), and Wyatt (1) all ran up to us as we entered their house and surrounded us with hugs and kisses. It was very special. These three munchkins are growing up so fast and the older two have become quite the conversationalists. Wyatt is all smiles and giggles and communicates in a 1-year old’s special way.

We went out for dinner and all three of the kids behaved themselves very nicely as we all enjoyed a great meal. Once we returned to their house, Michael started a fire in their chiminea, outside next to their pool. Enjoying the warmth of the fire and the warmth of family was a great ending to a great day.

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